Museums in Yamagata

About the Liaison Council of Yamagata Prefecture Museums

 The Liaison Council of Yamagata Prefecture Museums was established in July, 1980 (Showa 55) so that museums in various fields such as history, arts, written materials,  memorial museums and other related facilities can facilitate their close contact with each other and support the advancement of their activities. 
 Initially 28 museums joined, with the number steadily increasing to nearly 80 in recent years, making it a point of contact for various projects broadly related to the museums in this prefecture. 
 At our annual meeting in summer, we present and exchange information on projects and plans. Then in autumn, members in each region take turns organizing workshops on the year's themes with lectures, case studies, exchange of opinions, visits to facilities, etc., which encourages interaction between staff members, and greatly serves staff development.

○ ChairmanDirector of the Yamagata Prefectural Museum
○ SecretariatGeneral Affairs Section, Yamagata Prefectural Museum
 1-8 Kajo-machi, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata-ken (located in Kajo Park) 990-0826
 Tel:023-645-1111 FAX:023-645-1112