Chronology of the Museum

YearMonth DayEvent
19710401Yamagata Prefectural Museum opened
19720801Visit of the Crown Prince and Princess
19730602The main building of the former teachers' college, the Yamagata School of Education ( Yamagata Shihan Gakkō ),  designated an important cultural property
19760401Affiliated Nature Study Park established
19780329The area of the Nature Study Park which centers around Lake Biwa-numa designated a Prefectural Protected Natural Area
 0807Visit of Prince and Princess Takamatsu-no-miya
  29The "Yamagata Sea Cow" Yamagata Kaigyū fossil excavated and examined
19800126The front gate and the gatehouse of the former teachers' college, the Yamagata School of Education ( Yamagata Shihan Gakkō) designated an important cultural property
 1001The Educational Resources Museum ( Kyouiku Shiryoukan Branch building) opened
198304 Children's Day and Culture Day are made special open days with free admission
19840225Visit of Prince Mikasa-no-miya
19850620Permanent display of the Yamagata Kaigyū  fossil opened
19861120"Benibana Saijiki" ( the "Benibana Almanac" of seasonal words for haiku poets) movie guide system installed
19910320Diorama of "Fields of Snow Monsters in Zao" completed
 04 May 3 and 4 special open days set
 1102Yamagata Prefectural Museum 20th Anniversary Ceremony
19921006Visit of Princess Kiyoko (Kiyoko-naishin-nō)
19931108First excavation and examination of the whale fossils found in Mamurogawa-machi town
19941118Second excavation and examination of the whale fossils foundin Mamurogawa-machi town
19950810Diorama of "Fields of Snow Monsters in Zao" removed
  12Free admission of primary, junior high and high school students on the second and fourth Saturdays begun.
  26Held "Exhibition of New Discoveries in Archaeology '95"  (Sept. 17~) as part of the Agency for Cultural Affairs exhibition series.
19960801Volunteer guides / interpreters started to work at exhibitions 
 0901 Museum web site launched
19970222"The skeleton of an Antarctic black minke whale" is added to the Permanent Exhibition
 0621Hosted the traveling exhibition organized by the National Science Museum (Jul. 21~) 
"Explore! the World was Created by Water"
19980630Clay figure excavated from the Nishinomae ruins, the "Jōmon Venus", designated a National Important Cultural Property
 0722 Excavation and examination of the Koyamazaki remains (the first year)
 0929The Nishinomae clay figure displayed in Bali's Jōmon Exhibition (sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs) (~Nov. 28)
19991118Investigation of sperm whale fossils from Mamurogawa-machi town begun
20000401Admission for primary, junior high and high schools students is made free (in response to the integrated learning program)
 0611Gallery talks started
 0908Chair-type stair lift installed
20010120In Shanghai's "Exhibition of Japan" (Sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Shanghai Museum and others) the Nishinomae clay figure displayed 
 0401Admission is made free for physically and mentally disabled persons and their attendants.
 0505 Special seminar held (repeated on Nov. 3)
 07 Main building Hands-on Activity Space set up on the first floor
 1011The 13th National Lifelong Learning Festival 2001 
 < Learning by Experience Plaza> (Place: Yamagata Big Wing ) 
 Exhibited "Play and Study in Old Times" (~ Oct. 12) 
 1130"The First World TERAKOYA Conference" in Kyoto, sponsored by the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan (NFUAJ) Diorama from the Educational Resources Museum 'Kyouiku Shiryoukan' exhibited 
200201 Publication of the book In Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Yamagata Prefectural Museum ( made available to the public in March).
 0518Museum classes for children and parents at Yamagata Prefecture's Youth Center for Nature Studies Shounen-Shizen-no-Ie begun ( four facilities).
 0608Excavation of the Koyamazaki remains completed
  11Started sending lecturers to the lifelong learning classes at the prefectural high school (Kajo-gakuen). (~ Nov. 26, 7 times in total) 
20040124 Experiential course "One-day as a Curator" begun (for high-school students)
 0602Exhibited the Nishinomae clay figure in the overseas exhibition "Japanese Archaeology -the  Dawning Period" -  sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Japan Foundation, and others 
Mannheim、Germany: Reiss Engelhorn Museum; Berlin: held in  Martin-Gropius-Bau 
(~ Jun. 10, 2005) 
 0624"Tobishima' Tour" commemorating the opening of the special exhibition (~ Jun. 25)
 1023Lecture series by the Head of the Museum (general education course) begun 
200505 Training course for Museum volunteers begun
 0730The "Rhinoceros Beetles Club (Kabutomushi Kurabu) ( hands-on classes in keeping insects for elementary school children) started 
 1101Opening hour changed to 9:00 year-round
 1114Charlotte Perriand Exhibition : Exhibited davenport and other pieces, supervised by Charlotte Perriand  (Paris, France: hosted by Centre Pompidou) (~ Apr. 14, 2006) 
20060201The Exhibition "Learning in Edo: the Explosive Growth of Education" at the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Tokyo. Lent the Educational Resources Museum (Kyouiku Shiryoukan)Terakoya diorama
 (~ Apr. 14)
 0630Museum in the Schools project begun ( starting in the Tōnan-Murayama district)
200701 05 Spring Special Exhibition "Jōmon Beauty" 
The Nishinomae clay figures (all of the designated important cultural properties) displayed (~ Jan. 7)
 0401Increased the Main Building open days to include: Holidays except for Mondays /
 "Golden Week" /  Hanagasa Festival / O-bon festival / and the period corresponding to independent summer research projects at schools
 0714Special Exhibition "History and Treasures of the  Wakamatsu-dera Temple - Wakamatsu Kannon's 1300 Years"  Co-hosted with the steering committee established to commemorate the 1300 year festival of Wakamatsu-Dera  Temple and Wakamatsu Kannon (~ Oct. 7) 
 1101Started "Yamagata Museum Week" initiated by the Liaison Council of Yamagata Prefecture Museums  
(~ Nov. 11)